Nanaimo Dry Grad

Nanaimo Dry Grad 2025

Corporate Sponsorship
Nanaimo Dry Grad is a non profit that relies on community donations to make celebrating our grads safely a success.

Dry Grad provides graduating student with the opportunity to celebrate their success at an alcohol and drug-free event.
Friday June 20th, 2025 
Fundraising & Donations
Next Meeting
When: March 11th
Time: 6:00pm
Where: Wellington Secondary School 
Room: Presentation Room (by the front door) 
Meeting Dates and Committee Members

In order to make this event a success, your support is welcomed and needed.  Merchandise, gift cards, gift certifications to be used as prizes for the grads, as well a cash donations are very appreciated.

Check out upcoming meeting dates. Meet the committee members and see where you can help with the committee.